Color Collective

Colors Speak louder than words! 

What can the right

do for you?

Knowing the right colors for you can be a game changer? 

-build on your assets
-make you look healthier,   make you     eyes shine,   and   your   hair color pop
-Help you shop: you will   know   what to   buy and   what to     leave  in the   store
-Get dressed quicker and   easier
-Save money
-You feel more confident
-Your closet will work   together with a   matching   palette and   will be easier to   mix and   match.

Wearing colors that do not align with your coloring tend to make you appear — dull, worn, outdated, odd, unbalanced, and even older.

Whereas, wearing your best colours will make your eyes sparkle and give you a vibrant, younger and healthier look.


I offer

Want to know your colors?

1 on 1 Color Consult

-1- 1/2  hour Session
-Discovery or best Light   Neutrals & Dark Neutrals
-Discovery of what season   you fall under
-Colors of Makeup that is   best for you
-Color Personality

- 2-3 Hour Time Frame
-Discovery or best Light   Neutrals & Dark Neutrals -involving draping
-Discovery of what tone   each person is involving   draping
-Digital List of colors   that fall under that tone
-Lower Price of 1:1 Analysis for Season
-3 person minimum

Color Parties for groups

Schedule now

Schedule now

Find our your season: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall through discovery through drapes...

what you get...

Get a list of the best colors for you

Get makeup colors and best hair colors

join me in the color collective!

Book now!!